During the 2006, the Public hospital Sarajevo - Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, carried out a clinical study on the effect of a local antiseptic ENDOASEPT, for the treatment of patients infected with the HPV.
The study was supervised by the head of the above mentioned department Prim. dr. sc. med. Jasmina Gutić.
The ENDOASEPT solution is developed and produced by LIHNIDOS d.o.o Company (BiH)
Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted disease (STD) in the world. It is estimated that each year in the USA 5, 5 million new cases of genital HPV infection occur, which is app. 1/3 of all STD’s. According to new data, 24 million people in the USA is infected with one of the genital types of the HPV virus. The level of HPV viral transmission is very high. The Epidemiological studies indicate that out of all sexually active partners exposed to the HPV infection, 90% will get infected, whilst 60-66% will develop mucosa damage. The main risk factor for transmitive genital HPV is promiscuity, especially in younger people. Other mentioned risk factors are; oral contraceptives, weakening of the cellular immunity, pregnancy, smoking, presence of the papillomavirus on other parts of the body. Respective studies, carried out in our facilities throughout the last 6 years indicate that more than 88% of female patients with any level of change in cervix were HPV positive.
30 female patients, age range 20-49 with established HPV infection, were involved in the study. Papanicolau method was used as the Cytological test. The HPV identification was done by the Digene Hybrid Capture System (HC) II, according to the presence of the high-risk types (16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 45, 51, 52, and 56).
The anamnesis data, clinical gynaecological data, colposcopy and cytological swab, as well as the cervicovaginal swab with biogram and ant-biogram were taken from all of the patients.
Local treatment of cervix and vagina was done with the ENDOASEPT solution, whose main active component is active oxygen. Providing positive experiences of the ENDOASEPT usage in treatment of microorganic infections as are: Pseudomonas aerations, Staphylococcus aurous, Escherichia coli, Candida albicans, Enterococcus fecalis, and some of the infections as Hepatitis B virus, we’ve decided to use ENDOASEPT with the next method: firstly we make a lavage treatment, with well impregnated gauze (dipped in ENDOASEPT), then leave another well impregnated ENDOASEPT gauze/pad for 1-2 hours at the vaginal base. The same procedure was repeated for 8 days, and afterwards the patients were advised to use impregnated ENDOASEPT pads twice a day, in the morning and at night for another 15 days. After 8 day interval, the HPV swab was repeated.
Microbiology test results of the cervicovaginal swabs before usage of the ENDOASEPT showed presence of sexually transitive agents in 67% of tested cases (Chlamydia Trachomatis 10%, Urogenital microplasm 17%, Escherichia colli 10%, Candida albicans 3%, Streptococcus faecalis 3%, and Staphylococcus aureus 20%)
HPV test results, after the usage of ENDOASEPT solution, showed that 33% of patients did not have presence of HPV.
Cervicovaginal swabs taken from all patients were negative in 27% of cases.
After the usage of ENDOASEPT Microbiological isolates indicated significant drop of STD’s causative agents (70% negative test results, compared to 37% before the therapy)
None of the patients had experienced negative side effects during and after the ENDOASEPT solution treatment.
Genital infection HPV incidence is hard to determine if we do not have clinically suspect test results. Cytological test can indicate HPV tipization by one of the available molecular biology methods. According to some epidemiological studies, 60% of sexually active females had presence of HPV in the cervical swab; 40-60% of their male partners had presence of HPV infection. There are some dilemmas in HPV genital infection treatment, which of the treatments to choose: cryosurgery, electrocautery, laser treatment etc..
Knowing that HPV is the main cause of the cervix cancer, and that the HPV can not be eliminated by none of the known therapies, an emergency to try the preparation which is proved to be safe, and works effectively on bacterial and viral infections is necessary.
The ENDOASEPT preparation offers all mentioned above, it is the solution prepared as a local antiseptic with the aim to prevent and suppress infections in surgery, gynaecology and urology.
Bearing in mind, that the main active component of ENDOASEPT is active oxygen, and the waste product is a physiological solution, we used the preparation without restrictions or contradictions, even for a period longer then recommended 5 min.
In accordance with my personal experience, the simple usage and the safety of the preparation is one of the very important factors in daily practice, but most important property of this solution is eradication of the causing agents of STD, that usually occur with HPV infection.
Therefore I recommend usage of the ENDOASEPT solution for the treatment of newly detected HPV infections, especially in young women with or without any level of cellular cervix atypicalities, in the way I used it during this study.
Sarajevo, 12.10.2006 Prim.dr sci. med. Jasmina Gutić
The whole content of the clinical study of the ENDOASEPT solution is published in medical paper "MOSTARIENSIA" YEAR 2007, No 25, pages 55-61:
Prim.mr.sc. Miljenko Lugonja, Faculty of Science, Mostar, dr.sc.med. Jasmina Gutić, chief of Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Public hospital Sarajevo: EXPERIENCE OF USE OF THE ENDOASEPT PREPARATION IN CLINICAL TREATMENT OF PATIENTS INFECTED WITH HPV.
The ENDOASEPT solution has been used as a local antiseptic in treating vaginal infections at the Public hospital in Sarajevo , at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, since 1996.
Not even a single allergic reaction occurred. The above mentioned clinical research proved that the ENDOASEPT successfully destroys Human papillomavirus.
We have to mention that local antiseptics and therefore solution ENDOASEPT, in order to successfully act on microorganisms have to be in a direct contact with them, which is almost impossible in practice.
Despite that fact, it is very important to reduce the number of survived microorganism, so that they can not cause illness, and can be eliminated by the immune system of the infected organism.
During this clinical study – effect of the ENDOASEPT solution on HPV infection, we’ve successfully proved that in 33% of patients infected with Human papillomavirus the virus was completely eliminated out of the organism, without taking any special medicament measures to increase the immune system.
We are certain that, use of the ENDOASEPT solution in local therapy, combined with other measures of strengthening immune system of infected patients, would produce great success in treating vaginal infection HPV and other sexually transmitted agents, so the risk of cervix cancer is minimal.
We are proud to be the first, and presently the only ones who successfully had cured vaginal HPV infection.
Researches on effects of the ENDOASEPT solution on HPV are continued.
For Lihnidos d.o.o.
Prim. mr. sci. med. dr. Miljenko Lugonja